Thesis completion and defense procedure
To graduate from the Master's degree, the student must develop a research topic, whose final goal is the writing of a research thesis and its defense, at the end of the fourth semester.
During the second semester, the student works with his permanent tutor in the review of the updated literature on the subject of his interest, with the purpose of defining the title (and, consequently, the content) of his thesis. Towards the end of the second semester, the Tutoring Committee meets with the purpose of getting to know each other, getting to know the student and giving him feedback regarding his research proposal. During said meeting, the student presents his thesis topic and title, as well as his motivations, bibliography studied to date, other advances achieved and a work plan for the following semester. In the event that the student is not in a position to present his initial research proposal to the Tutoring Committee at that moment, he will have a second and last opportunity to do so within the first two weeks of the beginning of the third semester. In any case, the student must obtain the approval of the members of his Tutoring Committee to be able to register the title of his thesis project, which in turn constitutes a requirement for permanence in the Program, without which he cannot enroll in the third semester. Ideally, at the end of the second semester there should be at least 50% progress on the thesis.
During the third semester, the student begins to officially develop his research and thesis writing. At the end of this semester, the second session of the Tutoring Committee is held, in which the student presents the progress of the same. A degree of progress is expected to guarantee the completion of the research in one more semester, and thus obtain a passing grade in the subject Elaboration of thesis project, which is equivalent to at least 75% progress.
If the evaluation is satisfactory, the Tutoring Committee gives a passing grade and the student enrolls for the following semester, where he studies the subject Presentation of research results. If the evaluation is not satisfactory, the Tutoring Committee decides what is appropriate, and these options may include the temporary withdrawal of the student, conditional approval or failure.
For the evaluation of the Presentation of research results subject, the Tutoring Committee meets at the end of the 4th semester (or before, if the situation warrants it due to the progress of the student) and evaluates the development and quality of the student's work, as well as the possibility of defending their thesis work within the time limits indicated by the PE. If the evaluation is satisfactory, a passing grade is given. If, in addition to the passing grade, 100% of the thesis is completed, as ideally it should be, this leads to the formation of the Thesis Jury as stipulated in this document and in the General Regulations for Postgraduate Studies.
When the work is 100% finished, the Thesis Director sends a letter to the Coordination where it is stipulated that the thesis defense can proceed, and where the members of the Jury are proposed for the degree exam. Likewise, the student must give a written copy of his research work, his thesis, to the members of said Jury, leaving 30 calendar days so that they can make an evaluation and give or not their approving vote and so that the student can make eventual changes to the thesis. The Academic Unit sends official invitations to members of the thesis Jury. Once all the approving votes of the Jury have been obtained, and the student has complied with other requirements of the current regulations, the Thesis Defense is scheduled, publicly announcing said event through the appropriate means.
If the evaluation of the subject Presentation of research results is not satisfactory, the student must retake the subject. Once the subject Presentation of research results has been approved, and if the thesis work is not completed within the established deadlines, by UAEM Postgraduate Regulations the student has a maximum of two more semesters to present and defend their thesis (that is, that is, six semesters in total from the beginning).
It is the responsibility of the student to verify that they meet all the requirements to obtain their study certificate, as well as other necessary requirements to proceed to the degree exam.
In exceptional cases endorsed by the CAP, the student has one more fifth and last semester to finish his thesis work and carry out his defense. In these cases, the Thesis Director must endorse the extension request that the student must submit to the Coordination, no later than 30 days before the end of the 4th semester, which is submitted to the CAP for eventual approval. Said extension must be requested when the student and/or the Thesis Director estimate that the thesis work will not be 100% completed, and ready to be delivered to the synod, before the end of the 4th semester.
For the defense of the thesis, the student must present his progress in a maximum of 40 minutes, demonstrating that he can present and defend the topic developed.
Characteristics and format of thesis
The final version of the thesis must be equivalent to a document that meets the requirements of a publishable article with arbitration, from 25 to 40 pages, without counting bibliography or annexes.
It is recommended to use a spacing of 1.5 lines in the document, a font size of 12 pts. and a font of the Times or Arial style. Regarding the margins, it is suggested to use 2.5 cms. on each side of the page. If the length of the thesis exceeds 40 pages, it is suggested to add tables and images in the annexes section.
Requirements to obtain an honorable mention
to. Have defended the thesis on time (within 2.5 years);
b. Not having failed any subject of the Master's Degree,
c. Do a work (thesis) of high quality,
d. Have a support (defense) of exceptional quality,
and. Have an average above 9.0,
F. Have unanimity in the mention.