Speaker name
Adrián Espinosa Barrios
Institutional affiliation
D. in Philosophy of Science with specialization in Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences from the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas UNAM, Mexico with the thesis: Husserl's phenomenology and the science of consciousness: an alternative to the cognitivist model. Master in Philosophy of Science with specialization in Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences from the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas UNAM, Mexico with the thesis: Functionalism and evolution: a critique of the theories of the reduction of mental states. He holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico. Since 2007 he is professor-researcher of the Academy of Philosophy and History of Ideas of the UACM-Cuautepec. He is part of the academic staff of the Postgraduate Program in Cognitive Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Morelos. She directed the interdisciplinary research project on Scientific and Technological Culture at the Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México. He participates in the CHyCS-UACM research project 109: Semiotics in philosophical and literary studies. Main publications: he is co-editor, together with Alfredo Robles Zamora, of Dossier #54 of Andamios "La mente más allá de la representación: las múltiples caras de la cognición corporizada y las teorías de las 4E"; he is co-author, together with Leticia Romero Chumacero, of the book Filosofía y literatura. Apologías y concurrencias (2023); co-author of the book Temas de Cultura Científica y Tecnológica. Critical Attitude and Responsible Citizenship (2019) and author of the book The Mind in the World. Introduction to the Embodied Cognition Project (2022). He is a National Researcher Candidate within the SNII of CONAHCyT. Lines of Research: 1) Phenomenology and empirical research, 2) Studies on science, technology and society, 3) consciousness and embodiment.