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5° Coloquio Internacional de Ciencias Cognitivas
Dra. Ximena González-Grandón
Facultad de Medicina-UNAM
Título de ponencia:
"The shared body awareness in dance, a proprioceptive account"
Resumen de ponencia:
Togetherness might be fundamental to social understanding among humans however, this experience has been rarely addressed as such. Mostly from a third person perspective the experience and the apparent pro-social behaviour are described as resulting from movement coordination and synchronization among participants. Recent literature focus on the idea that moving to the same rhythm generates neurophysiological coordination and synchronization (Bernardi et al. 2009; Sänger et al., 2012; Acquadro et al., 2016; Koban et al., 2017). Different from these approaches, we believe it is necessary an embodied and naturalistic approach to togetherness that can address the emergence of the first person experience. The notion of togetherness that we are proposing, therefore, implies two things: first, togetherness is an experiential phenomenon that is necessarily emergent from the interaction among embodied and moving agents in which the interaction becomes autonomous as a self-organizing system; second, skillful proprioceptive own habits has an essential role in self-awareness and shared awareness. In this sense, the concept of togetherness goes much further than that of coordination or synchronization, however, the experience of togetherness could be a necessary condition for the emergence of coordination. For us, the bottom line is that togetherness is an experience that results from an expanded and coupled skilled proprioception which can be described as emerging from a system with its own dynamics that is under-defined by its participants as it constrains their behaviour.
Nació en Santiago de Chile en 1981. Es médico-cirujano y Maestra en Filosofía de la Ciencia de la UNAM, Master en Filosofía de las Ciencias Cognitivas: Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), es Doctora en Filosofía de las Ciencias Cognitivas, UNAM. Es profesora en la Facultad de Medicina de la UNAM. Ha desarrollado dos postdoctorados, el primero en el Instituto de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Complejidad (IFICC-Chile), donde actualmente es investigadora asociada. Y el segundo en el Departamento de Ciencias Computacionales del Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y Sistemas (IIMAS- UNAM). Su aproximación se centra en la naturalización de las ciencias cognitivas y en su aplicación en la de docencia y en la rehabilitación. Sus intereses incluyen las ciencias cognitivas corporeizadas y enactivas, la interacción social, el puente explicativo entre la música, la danza y las ciencias cognitivas y la epistemología médica.
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