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Estructura abstracta

Diploma in Cognitive Sciences:
a panoramic view

Fall 2023

The scientific and philosophical study of the mind and cognition is imposed today as something useful, relevant and perhaps even urgent, given the complexity and technological progress of our globalized society. Thus, studying Cognitive Sciences becomes something opportune that fulfills several purposes, from theorizing about the nature of consciousness, to practical applications that improve our daily performance.


The Diploma in Cognitive Sciences: a panoramic vision, dCC, (virtual modality) is a distance education training proposal, of an inter/transdisciplinary and flexible nature, capable of developing in students the appreciation of problems, concepts and methods that cross different disciplines and the capacity for organization, problematization and thematic deepening of objects of study relevant to the field of Cognitive Sciences (CC).  This Diploma is designed for people with no prior knowledge of Cognitive Science who seek to have a panoramic and introductory view of the history, concepts, methods, disciplines, paradigms and problems of CC.




Offer an introductory training program to Cognitive Sciences from an inter/transdisciplinary point of view, with high academic standards, for non-specialists in the field, so that they can achieve a panoramic and critical vision through an overflight of different fields of knowledge and issues inherent to this area of research.


Program structure


The program is made up of 8 modules in total, whose classes are distance learning in real time. Each module lasts one week (Monday to Friday) being the basic and disciplinary modules, (hoping to enable specialized modules in the future), which are taught by Full-Time Research Professors (PITC's) from CINCCO and/or or outstanding graduates (doctors or masters in Cognitive Sciences) from our postgraduate course, as well as visiting researchers of high educational quality, seeking the principle of gender parity.




The course modality is entirely virtual through Zoom, so all activities will be carried out remotely, making use of information and communication technologies regardless of where they are. Students have 24/7 access to a virtual classroom on the Moodle platform, which is intuitive and easy to access, with detailed information on the structure of each module, the expected learning of each session, the didactic content and the activities to be carried out. carried out before, during and after classes, making synchronous interaction with teachers possible and allowing a more autonomous development of learning.


Registration process


  1. fill out this application

  2. Make payments and send the receipt by mail to Mtra. Mayra Morán Castrejón at and Lic. Kareli Navarrete at

  3. Send completed application and payments to Mtra. Mayra Morán Castrejón to the email


Datos para pago y Costos


UAEM – Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Cognitivas (CINCCO)

Banco Santander

Cuenta: 655 060 220 70

Clabe: 0145 4065 5060 2207 05


Note: the price includes 5% commissions to PayPal

Terms and Conditions


  • For the Diploma the Moodle platform will be used and the online classes will be through ZOOM.

  • Each student is responsible for saving the access data to the platforms and agrees not to share them.

  • To validate the Diploma you must have a minimum of 80% attendance and have paid the full Diploma.

  • You must scan the original proof of payment and send in PDF, (not photographs)

  • No refund applies, a condition that you declare to understand and expressly accept with the mere fact of paying and registering.

  • In the event that the Diploma or any module(s) of the same, could not be carried out on the date and / or with the professor scheduled for any reason of force majeure, fortuitous, natural disasters or illness, the CINCCO will replace the Diploma or module(s) on a new date, guaranteeing the same quality offered.

  • Unforeseen situations, complaints and comments: Mtra. Mayra Morán Castrejón (email, responsible for the Diploma in Cognitive Sciences.

  • Limited availability.

Do you need more info? Write us here

¡Gracias! Mensaje enviado.

Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Cognitivas

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos


Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos, C.P. 62209

Tel. (777) 3 29 7000 ext. 2240 y 3762

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