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5° Coloquio Internacional de Ciencias Cognitivas
Dra. Nuria Valverde Pérez
Departamento de Humanidades División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades UAM-Cuajimalpa
Título de ponencia:

"From anthropology of things to anthropology of technology: is there a place for coproduction of techniques?"
Resumen de ponencia:
Creative systems usually produce purposeful behavior, but not necessarily. In this paper we explore a model of a creative agent that has a more abstract aim: that of establishing an interactive relationship with its environment and, particularly, with a paralyzed patient, such as a Locked-in Syndrome (LIS) patient. Along this relationship the creative artificial agent is defined and evolves with time, becoming thus engaged in a process of individuation (as considered by Simondon 2001) and plastic embeddedness. Our intention is to prototype a minimal and variable architecture for a system to establish a creative relationship with the patient. In this work we pay special attention to the bifocal deployment of creativity by the artificial agent: on the one side, it produces a “self” or inner reference towards which notions of hardware/material/body thresholds are incorporated and re-elaborated. On the other, environmental disparaged elements are integrated in a coherent, new and experimental way in order to resonate with the sketchy/tentative subjectivity in process. We understand that temporary stability is produce—and hence embeddedness is reinforced—in the mutual play of challenge and adjustment that takes place in going through these two creativity phases. The proposed architecture would ground the following stage in which co-creative relationship and relational creativity (Valverde&Negrete 2018) takes place between the patient and the artificial agent.
From anthropology of things to anthropology of technology: is there a place for coproduction of techniques?
Simposio 9: Cognición 4E
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