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Dr. Héctor Solís Chagoyán

Dr. Héctor Solís Chagoyán


Estudió la licenciatura en Biología en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco y el doctorado en el Programa de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Continuó su formación académica en el área de la investigación al realizar una estancia posdoctoral en el Departamento de Farmacología de la Facultad de Medicina de la UNAM bajo la dirección del Dr. Luis M. Montaño. En el 2008 ingresó a laborar en el Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz con el nombramiento de Investigador en Ciencias Médicas, adscrito a la Subdirección de Investigaciones Clínicas. Como reconocimiento a la labor científica y a la formación de recursos humanos recibió el nombramiento de Investigador Nacional II en el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores por el CONACYT. Ha formado alumnos de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado y cuenta con artículos especializados y capítulos de libro de investigación (ORCID 0000-0003-0692-6931).

Área Disciplinar

Neurociencia Cognitiva Evolutiva

Líneas de Aplicación y Generación del Conocimiento

Cuerpo Académico





1. Ana Karen Torres-Soria, Yair Romero, Yalbi I. Balderas-Martínez, Rafael Velázquez-Cruz, Luz Maria Torres-Espíndola, Angel Camarena, Edgar Flores-Soto, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Víctor Ruiz, Ángeles Carlos-Reyes, Citlaltepetl Salinas-Lara, Erika Rubí Luis-García, Jaime Chávez, Manuel Castillejos-López, and Arnoldo Aquino-Gálvez (2022). Functional Repercussions of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-2α in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Cells-Basel, 11(19): 2938.

2. Manuel Castillejos-López, Luz Maria Torres-Espíndola, Juan Carlos Huerta-Cruz, Edgar Flores-Soto, Bianca S. Romero-Martinez, Rafael Velázquez-Cruz, Anjarath Higuera-Iglesias, Ángel Camarena, Ana Karen Torres-Soria, Citlaltepetl Salinas-Lara, Rosario Fernández-Plata, Noé Alvarado-Vásquez, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Víctor Ruiz and Arnoldo Aquino-Gálvez (2022). Ivermectin: A controversial focal point during the COVID-19 pandemic. Life-Basel, 12(9): 1384.

3. Luis M. Montaño, Bettina Sommer, Juan C. Gomez-Verjan, Genaro S. Morales-Paoli, Gema Lizbeth Ramírez-Salinas, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Zuly A. Sanchez-Florentino, Eduardo Calixto, Gloria E. Pérez-Figueroa, Rohan Carter, Ruth Jaimez-Melgoza, Bianca S. Romero-Martínez and Edgar Flores-Soto (2022). Theophylline: Old drug in a new light, application in covid-19 through computational studies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(8): 4167.

4. Germán O. López-Riquelme, Yvette M. Gómez-Gómez, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán (2022). Cognición social: del antropocentrismo a la cognición social comparada. Revista ConCiencia EPG, 7(1): 176-210.

5. Jesús Argueta, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Rosa Estrada-Reyes, Luis A. Constantino-Jonapa, Julian Oikawa-Sala, Javier Velázquez-Moctezuma and Gloria Benítez-King (2022). Further Evidence of the Melatonin Calmodulin Interaction: Effect on CaMKII Activity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(5): 2479.

6. Luis M. Montaño, Bettina Sommer, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Bianca S. Romero-Martínez, Arnoldo Aquino-Gálvez, Juan C. Gomez-Verjan, Eduardo Calixto, Georgina Gonzalez-Avila and Edgar Flores-Soto (2022). Could lower testosterone in older men explain higher COVID-2 19 morbidity and mortalities? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(2): 935.

7. Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Alejandra M. Rodríguez-Ramírez, Leslye Rodríguez-Cárdenas, Carlo E. Sotelo-Ramírez, Beatriz Camarena, Marco A. Sanabrais-Jiménez, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Jesús Argueta, Germán O. López-Riquelme (2022). Insights into myelin dysfunction in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. World Journal of Psychiatry, 12(2): 264-285.

8. Juan P. Díaz-Sánchez, Héctor Solís Chagoyán, Gloria Benítez-King (2022). Prodromes and biological markers in schizophrenia:Importance for the dopamine, glutamate,and neurodevelopmental hypothesis. Salud Mental, 45(5): 261-272.

9. José Alfredo González-Ramírez, Julio C. Ramírez-Nava, Sonia González-López, Bettina Sommer, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Luis M. Montaño, Bianca S. Romero-Martínez, Edgar Flores-Soto (2021). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in overweight and obese patients with COVID‑19. World Academy of Sciences Journal, 3(6):61.

10. Bianca S. Romero-Martínez, Luis M. Montaño, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Bettina Sommer, Gemma L. Ramírez-Salinas, Gloria E. Pérez-Figueroa, Edgar Flores-Soto (2021). Possible Beneficial Actions of Caffeine in SARS-CoV-2. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(11): 5460.

11. Juan-Guillermo Winfield‑Vargas, Julio C. Ramírez‑Nava, Valentín Rodríguez‑Ayala, Juan A. Cruz‑Sánchez, Héctor Solís‑Chagoyán, Arnoldo Aquino‑Gálvez, Bianca S. Romero‑Martínez, Luis M. Montaño, Edgar Flores‑Soto (2021). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy ameliorates pain in overweight or obese patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia. World Academy of Sciences Journal, 3(4):36.

12. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Aline Domínguez-Alonso, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Jesús Argueta, Zuly A. Sánchez-Florentino, Eduardo Calixto, Gloria Benítez-King (2020). Melatonin rescues the dendrite collapse induced by the pro-oxidant toxin okadaic acid in organotypic cultures of rat hilar hippocampus. Molecules, 25(23):5508.

13. Yair Romero, Manuel Castillejos-López, Susana Romero-Garcia, Alfonso Salgado-Aguayo, Iliana Herrera, Misael O. Garcia-Martin, Luz Maria Torres Espíndola, María Cristina Negrete-García, Angel Camarena, Juan Carlos Huerta-Cruz, Rafael Velázquez-Cruz, José Cisneros, Edgar Flores-Soto, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Criselda Mendoza-Milla, Carlos Cabello-Gutiérrez, Victor Ruiz and Arnoldo Aquino-Gálvez (2020). Antitumor therapy under hypoxic microenvironment by the combination of 2-methoxyestradiol and sodium dichloroacetate on human non-small cell lung cancer. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2020: 3176375.

14. Abril Carbajal-García, Jorge Reyes-García, María F. Casas-Hernández, Edgar Flores-Soto, Verónica Díaz-Hernández, Héctor Solis-Chagoyán, Bettina Sommer, Luis M. Montaño (2020). Testosterone augments β2 adrenergic receptor genomic transcription increasing salbutamol relaxation in airway smooth muscle. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 510:110801.

15. Luis M. Montaño, Edgar Flores-Soto, Bettina Sommer, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Mercedes Perusquía (2020). Androgens are effective bronchodilators with anti-inflammatory properties: a potential alternative for asthma therapy. Steroids, 153:108509.

16. Arnoldo Aquino-Gálvez, Georgina González-Ávila, Laura-Lorena Jiménez Sánchez, Héctor A. Maldonado-Martínez, José Cisneros, Fernanda Toscano-Marquez, Manuel Castillejos, Luz M. Torres-Espíndola, Rafael Velázquez-Cruz, Marco Checa, Víctor H. Olivera Rodríguez, Edgar Soto-Flores, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Carlos Cabello, Joaquín Zúñiga, Yair Romero (2019). Dysregulated expression of hypoxia-inducible subunits augments myofibroblasts differentiation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Respiratory Research, 20:130.

17. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Edgar Flores-Soto, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Montserrat G. Cercós, Eduardo Calixto, Luis Manuel Montaño, Carlos Barajas-López, Bettina Sommer, Arnoldo Aquino-Gálvez, Citlali Trueta, Gloria A. Benítez-King (2019). Purinergic signaling pathway in human olfactory neuronal precursor cells. Stem Cells International, 2019: 2728786. Corresponding author.

18. Rosa Estrada-Reyes, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Daniel Arrieta-Baez, Ana María Dorantes-Barrón, Daniel Quero-Chávez, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Jesús Argueta, Margarita L. Dubocovich and Gloria Benítez-King (2018). The timing of melatonin administration is crucial for its antidepressant-like effect in mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(8): 2278.

19. Leonor Mendoza-Vargas, Elizabeth Guarneros-Bañuelos, Fabiola Galicia-Mendoza, Armida Báez-Saldaña, Edgar Flores-Soto, Ramón Alvarado, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Gloria Benítez-King, Beatriz Fuentes-Pardo and Héctor Solís-Chagoyán(2018). Involvement of Melatonin in the Functioning of the Circadian System in Crayfish. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(7): 2147. Corresponding author.

20. Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Rosa Estrada-Reyes, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Jesús Argueta, Ana María Dorantes-Barrón, Daniel Quero-Chávez, Ricardo Cruz-Garduño, Montserrat G. Cercós, Citlali Trueta, Julian Oikawa-Sala, Margarita L. Dubocovich and Gloria Benítez-King (2018). Circadian modulation of neuroplasticity by melatonin: a target in the treatment of depression. British Journal of Pharmacology, 175(16): 3200-3208.

21. Montserrat G. Cercós, Tania Galván-Arrieta, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Jesús Argueta, Gloria Benítez-King, Citlali Trueta (2017). Abnormally increased secretion in olfactory neuronal precursors from a case of schizophrenia is modulated by melatonin: A pilot study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(7): 1439.

22. Leonor Mendoza-Vargas, Armida Báez-Saldaña, Ramón Alvarado, Beatriz Fuentes-Pardo, Edgar Flores-Soto and Héctor Solís-Chagoyán (2017). Circadian rhythm in melatonin release as a mechanism to maintain the organization of the circadian system in crayfish. Invertebrate Neurosciences, 17(6): 1-8. Corresponding author.

23. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Edgar Flores-Soto, Jorge Reyes-García, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Eduardo Calixto, Luis Manuel Montaño, Gloria A. Benítez-King (2016). Voltage-activated calcium currents as a functional characteristic associated to mature neurons in the culture of human olfactory neuroepithelial cells. A model to study neurodevelopment in neuropsychiatric disorders. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(6): 941.

24. Jorge Reyes-García, Edgar Flores-Soto, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Bettina Sommer, Verónica Díaz-Hernández, Luz-María García-Hernández and Luis Manuel Montaño (2016). Tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibits L-type Ca2+ channels in sensitized guinea pig airway smooth muscle. Mediators of Inflammation, 2016: 5972302.

25. Gloria Benítez-King, Marcela Valdés Tovar, Citlali Trueta, Tania Galván-Arrieta, Jesús Argueta, Salvador Alarcón, Alejandra Lora-Castellanos, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán. (2016). The Microtubular Cytoskeleton of Olfactory Neurons derived from Patients with Schizophrenia or with Bipolar Disorder: Implications for Biomarker Characterization, Neuronal Physiology and Pharmacological Screening. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 73:84-95.

26. Edgar Flores-Soto, Inocencio Martínez-Villa, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Bettina Sommer, Cristina Lemini, Luis M Montaño (2015). 17β-aminoestrogens induce airway smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness through L-type Ca2+channels activation. Steroids, 101: 64-70.

27. Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Carolina Escobar, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Miguel Asai, Gloria Benítez-King (2015). Constant light exposure suppresses production of Met-Enkephalin-containing peptides in cultured splenic macrophages and impairs primary immune response in rats. Chronobiology International, 32(2): 164-177.

28. Aline Domínguez-Alonso, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, and Gloria Benítez-King (2015). Melatonin stimulates dendrite formation and complexity in the hilar zone of the rat hippocampus: Participation of the Ca++/Calmodulin complex. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(1): 1907-1927.

29. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Eduardo Calixto, Alejandra Figueroa, Luis Manuel Montaño, Carlos Berlanga, María Soledad Rodríguez-Verdugo, Francisco Romo, Maritza Jiménez, Cristina Zepeda Gurrola, Agustín Riquelme, Gloria Benítez-King (2013). Microtubule organization and L-type voltage-activated calcium current in olfactory epithelial cells obtained from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients. Schizophrenia Research, 143(2-3): 384-389.

30. Gloria Benítez-King, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Vanessa Maya-Ampudia, Graciela Jiménez-Rubio, Aline Domínguez-Alonso, Agustín Riquelme, Tania Galván-Arrieta, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Salvador Alarcón, Julia Moreno, Oscar Ugalde, Carlos Berlanga. (2013). Melatonin as a neuronal differentiation factor: therapeutic implications for dementia. Salud Mental, 36(3): 193-199.

31. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Alejandra Figueroa, Leonor Mendoza-Vargas, Beatriz Fuentes Pardo, and Graciela Jiménez-Rubio (2012). Simultaneous effect of melatonin on cerebroid ganglion spontaneous electrical activity and photoreceptor electroretinogram amplitude in crayfish. Crustaceana, 85(10): 1241-1251. Corresponding author.

32. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Ramón Alvarado, Alejandra Figueroa, Leonor Mendoza-Vargas, Beatriz Fuentes-Pardo (2012). Pigment dispersing hormone modulates spontaneous electrical activity of the cerebroid ganglion and synchronizes electroretinogram circadian rhythm in crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 161(4):450-455.

33. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Aline Domínguez-Alonso, Eduardo Calixto, Gloria Benítez-King. (2012). The culture of olfactory epithelium neuronal precursors: A model for studying schizophrenia neurophysiopathology. Salud Mental, 35(3): 241-246.

34. Gloria Benítez-King, Agustín Riquelme, Leonardo Ortíz-López, Carlos Berlanga, M.S Rodríguez-Verdugo, Francisco Romo, Eduardo Calixto, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Maritza Jimenez, Luis Manuel Montaño, Gerardo Ramírez-Rodríguez, Sandra Morales-Mulia, and Aline Domínguez-Alonso (2011). A Non-invasive method to isolate the neuronal linage from the nasal epithelium from schizophrenic and bipolar diseases. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 201(1): 35-45.

35. Graciela Jiménez-Rubio, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Aline Domínguez-Alonso, Gloria A. Benítez-King. (2011). Circadian cycle alterations in psychiatric diseases: melatonin role as a synchronizer of sleep-awake cycle and the neuronal polarity. Salud Mental, 34(2): 167-173.

36. Leonor Mendoza-Vargas, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Gloria A. Benítez-King, and Beatriz Fuentes-Pardo (2009). MT2 melatonin receptor modulates the receptor potential in visual cells of crayfish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 154(4): 486-492.

37. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Leonor Mendoza-Vargas, and Beatriz Fuentes-Pardo (2008). Melatonin modulates the ERG circadian rhythm in crayfish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 149(4): 373-379.

38. Beatriz Fuentes-Pardo, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, and Waskar Egido. (2006). Melatonin as a synchronizer of circadian rhythms in vertebrates and invertebrates. Trends in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 12: 1-11.


1. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Edgar Flores-Soto, Luis M. Montaño, Bettina Sommer, Germán O. López-Riquelme, Zuly A. Sánchez-Florentino, Jesús Argueta, Ramón Alvarado-Álvarez, Marcela Valdés-Tovar (2022). Insights into circadian modulation of innate immunity: The role of melatonin and proenkephalin-derived opioid peptides. In: Rajeshwar P. Sinha (ed): Circadian rhythms and their importance. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp: 233-278. ISBN: 978-1-68507-547-7.

2. Bettina Sommer, Luis M. Montaño, Edgar Flores-Soto, Bianca S. Romero-Martínez, Georgina González-Avila and Héctor Solís-Chagoyán (2021) Coffee and Caffeine Respiratory Health Benefits: A Review. In: Leon V. Berhardt (ed): Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 179. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp: 129-157. ISBN: 978-1-53619-764-8.

3. Leonor Mendoza-Vargas, Elizabeth Garneros-Bañuelos, Ramón Alvarado-Álvarez, Zuly A. Sánchez-Florentino, Edgar Flores-Soto, Luis M. Montaño, Bettina Sommers, Arnoldo Aquino-Gálvez, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Gloria Benítez-King, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán(2021). Synchronization of the circadian rhythms by melatonin in vertebrate and invertebrate species. In: Alejandro Romero Martínez (ed): Melatonin: Productions, Functions and Benefits. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp: 51-82. ISBN: 978-1-53619-031-1. Corresponding author.

4. Zuly A. Sánchez-Florentino, Edgar Flores-Soto, Luis M. Montaño, Ramón Alvarado-Alvarez, Elizabeth Guarneros-Bañuelos, Bettina Sommer, Arnoldo Aquino-Gálvez, Marcela Valdés-Tovar, Bianca S. Romero Martínez, Gloria Benítez-King, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán (2020). Calcium and cAMP signaling in olfactory neuroepithelial cells obtained from patients diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. In: Leon V. Berhardt (ed): Advances in Medicine and Biology, Volume 163. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp: 43-80. ISBN: 978-1-53617-849-4. Corresponding author.

5. Leonor Mendoza-Vargas, Fabiola Galicia-Mendoza, Gabriel Arriola-Pizano, Elizabeth Guarneros-Bañuelos, Pilar Ortega, Zuly A. Sánchez-Florentino, Santa Rodríguez-Lorenzo, Edgar Flores-Soto, Bettina Sommer, Marcela Valdés-Tovar and Héctor Solís-Chagoyán (2020). Morphometric and behavioral divergence in Procambarus acanthophorus inhabiting in a coastal plain wetland and a mountain pine forest. In: Felipe Bezerra Ribeiro (ed): Crayfish: Evolution, Habitat and Conservation Strategies. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp: 71-103. ISBN: 978-1-53616-941-6. Corresponding author.

6. Luis M. Montaño, Edgar Flores-Soto, Bettina Sommer, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Mercedes Perusquía. (2020). Airway smooth muscle functioning in basal, agonists stimulated conditions and novel androgen asthma therapy. In: Leon V. Berhardt (ed): Advances in Medicine and Biology, Volume 157. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp: 1-64. ISBN: 978-1-53617-162-4.

7. Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Fabiola Galicia-Mendoza, Facundo Rivera-Becerril, María Teresa Nuñez-Cardona, Santa Rodríguez-Lorenzo, Gabriela Vázquez-Silva, Elizabeth Guarneros-Bañuelos and Leonor Mendoza-Vargas. (2018). Molecular mechanisms to control circadian rhythms: Implications for burrowing behavior in crayfish. In: Nathaniel Hayes (ed): Circadian clock: Regulations, genetic and external factors. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp: 57-88. ISBN: 978-1-53613-372-1. Corresponding author.

8. Leonor Mendoza-Vargas, Patricia Castilla-Hernández, Alejandro Meléndez-Herrada, Pilar Ortega, María Teresa Núñez-Cardona, Gilberto Vela-Correa, Gabriel Arriola-Pizano, Facundo Rivera-Becerril and Héctor Solís-Chagoyán. (2016). Distribution, ecology, harvest and conservation of Procambarus acanthophorus (Villalobos, 1948). In: Thomas Simon (ed): Geographic distribution, ecological impact, and conservation strategies in North American Crayfish. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp: 83-114. ISBN: 978-1-63485-365-1. Corresponding author.

Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Cognitivas

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos, C.P. 62209

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